Contract Rate Overnight
Contract rate overnight is the approved balance deposit exceeding 30 mil rubles at the Client’s settlement account deposited for one transaction day for the Bank to accrue interest under the contract rate as at the moment of the transaction conclusion.
Advantages of overnight deposit:
efficient management of funds;
deposit rates conforming to the situation on the market;
opportunity to receive interest income without transfer of funds from the settlement account;
opportunity of “premature payment” at the transaction closing date;
significant decrease of paperwork and time to complete the transaction;
digital exchange of confirmations in Client-Bank (JSC) system.
This service is provided to the bank clients, owners of settlement accounts in Garant-Invest Commercial Bank (JSC), only.
You need to sign an addendum to the Bank Account Contract to deposit the funds.
Overnight rate will be agreed within the transaction day with the Active Transactions Unit of Garant-Invest Commercial Bank (JSC).